Electromagnetic Sounds Archive

Browse the archive: select the desired sources, location and date, then click ‘Search’.

In the list of sound files you can click on the sound titles to get detailed information about the recordings, see images of locations and listen to the electromagnetic recordings of each location.

Find sounds by selecting Sources / Locations / Year
  • Art
    • Installation
    • Music
    • Objects
  • Basic Electricity
    • Electrical Fence
  • Communication Technology
    • Sender/Receiver
  • Light
    • LED Light
    • Lightbulb
    • NEON Light
  • Machine
    • ATM
    • Automation
    • Printer
  • Radio/Voices
    • Induction Loop
  • Security
    • Automatic Door
    • Security Gate
  • Transport/Travel
    • Airport
    • Bus
    • Car
    • Metro/Subway
    • Other
    • Sky Train
    • Train Station
    • Tram